AI-powered number

The free phone number that uses AI to screen unknown calls and texts (so you don't have to).
How it works

Screen unknown calls and texts with AI.

Tired of interruptions from telemarketers? Vida is the free AI-powered phone number that uses AI to screen unknown calls and texts. Vida keeps all the spammers and scammers hidden away. You get a priority-only inbox for important calls and texts. Your AI quietly handles the rest.

Get your number

Install Vida on iOS or Android to get your free second number and AI agent.

Get your AI agent

Tell your agent about yourself so it knows which calls and texts are important to you.

Get rid of spam

Your AI will screen unknown calls and texts on your behalf like a real assistant.
Try it Out
+1 (559) 566-7726

Goodbye spam.
Hello AI answering agent.

See all your important conversations in one place. Your AI answering agent quietly handles the rest in the Agent tab of your inbox.

AI that can think and answer.

Vida uses artificial intelligence to answer calls from unknown contacts and screen them your behalf. Using life-like speech synthesis, Vida answers, thinks, listens, and responds like a real person.

Let unknown contacts talk to your AI first.

Tired of Email, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook spam? Share your Vida profile around the web and give people a way to get in touch with you by talking to your AI agent first.

Works with your existing number too.

Keep your primary number spam free with call forwarding. Install the Vida app, select your carrier, and set up call forwarding. Your AI will answer the scammers and spammers so you don't have to.

Earn when people pay to skip your AI.

Earn extra cash and get paid by the message or minute when people want to skip your AI and reach you directly. Let your AI broker your valuable time with serious people that will pay to chat.

What you'll get when you join Vida Pro

2nd Number

Pick a vanity number that's yours to keep.

Unlimited Calling

Make unlimited calls with your Vida number from your phone or computer. (Vida Pro Only)

Unlimited Texting

Send texts, images, and more over SMS. Everything you expect for modern messaging. (Vida Pro Only)

Calendar Syncing

Sync your calendar to automatically set your status to busy when you have an event.

Contact Syncing

Sync your contacts to Vida to automatically recognize your contacts.

Call Transcription

See what your AI says on a call. Replay conversations or read the transcript.

Frequently Asked Questions